Tuesday, March 6, 2012

No Egg on My Face

I decided to try this cake that is egg free with a salted caramel glaze. My mom and I really enjoy salted caramels so I thought this would be a great dessert. Particularly because the whole family could eat it. I found the recipe from Twitter here is the link to the cake recipe. You first mix all the dry ingredients then add the wet ingredients. Whisk together till smooth. Sadly the time to bake the cake was to long. My cake came out a little crispier then I would have liked around the edges. Next you make the glaze and may I please give a hug piece of advice. Make sure to sift the powder sugar. I ended up with small white balls of sugar through out the entire glaze. It was most frustrating but I was able to fix it by straining the glaze before using it on the final masterpiece. Below are some pictures of the finished product.

After I was done and people where able to try it. The cake itself was ok but overcooked. However the salted caramel glaze was not caramely at all and was super salty. I would say that this cake will not be making anymore family appearance at my house. Now it is just special request from my sister.

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